Thursday, 3 May 2012

Grand Gathering....and a Challenge!

So a grand gathering has happened. It was not attended by many but the caliber of woman that were in attendance was GRAND, nurturing, witty, caring and well just amazing!! Our new friend Liz @LizMcLennan has challenge us women to a Hostel Bookers 7 Super Shots.  

So after much procrastinating and child drama, I've finally decided to give it a go. So please bare with me as I am very new at the "blog" thing  (second post ever) and not quite sure it'll come across right!
I am taking part in HostelBookers 7 Super Shots

The challenge:
1. Choose 7 of your own photos, one for each of the following categories:

  • A photo that…takes my breath away
  • A photo that…makes me laugh or smile
  • A photo that…makes me dream
  • A photo that…makes me think
  • A photo that…makes my mouth water
  • A photo that…tells a story
  • A photo that…I am most proud of (aka my worthy of National Geographic shot)
2. Write a short description for each image.
3. Write somewhere in your blog post: ‘I am taking part in HostelBookers 7 Super Shots.
4. Tell us you have participated and tweet the hashtag #7SuperShots
5. Nominate 5 other bloggers by including a link to their blog in your post.
We will be retweeting and sharing the best posts from participating bloggers

A photo that takes my breath away....

These are my girls...they are my hopes, my future <3

A photo that makes me smile or laugh...

Autumn makes me giggle all the time!! She truly believes and from a VERY young age she WILL be famous one day....and drive a convertible! I have no doubt in my mind she will succeed!

A Photo that makes me dream.... Just because there are endless possibilities
                                                                                 in this world waiting for me!

A photo that makes me think.....

I think..."Where has the time gone?" I worry all the time about how I am raising young women and try and teach them to be strong and independent. How not to let anyone push them around and to just be happy with themselves and not worry about what other people think about them. And to respect one another. My beautiful Hayley is so much more than I ever could hope for <3 as is all my girls....

A photo that makes my mouth water.....

COMPLETELY stolen by @mindthecompany (Jen) But this seriously makes me salivate! That girl is a baker after my own heart! I have a supreme love for lemon AND angel food cake!

A picture that tells a story....

At our first home together we had 5 different types of apples and through the years of living in that house we grew our family to 5. I always felt that it was symbolic how the blossoms opened in the spring, fell off and then grew into those well rounded fruits, kind of like children.We could smell apple blossoms all through the house on a breezy spring day and we would pick (sometimes shovel in the fall) the apples and make pies. Although we only have 2 apple trees on our current property, that smell will always remind me of the first home we started our family.

A photo that…I am most proud of (aka my worthy of National Geographic shot)

If you've ever been to Niagara Falls (as most have) watching the falls...American or Canadian side is absolutely amazing to watch. It truly is one of the 7 Wonders of the World. I took this shot with my crappy Blackberry (the one with the trackball still) and this is what came out! I was pretty impressed!

So as to follow the rules I am nominating the same group of women ( and a few more because they rock anyways) who so fabulously shared an evening with me and whose inspiration has given me wings~ Thank you so much ladies ~@~

Liz McLennan (Challenger)
Jenn Sprung
Sara Hamil
Jennifer May-Anderson
Mandie Henderson
Juliet deWal (because she is a beautiful writer) 
Jonathan Sprung (who made said night all possible) 

1 comment:

  1. 3 things about this post that I love:

    I LOVE the shot that makes you dream. Did you take that? Because it's AMAZING.

    I also love how obvious it is that your daughters are your world. You can just feel the love oozing out of this post!

    And, finally, I love the shout-out that you gave to Jon. He DID make the whole night possible (thanks, Jon!)
